I Am

You're 3. You're soon going to have a little brother. He's going to take up a lot of mommy's time. Don't blame him. He's a baby and he needs mommy just a little more than you do right now. You're so strong and independent, so funny and creative. You don't see it now but some day you will consider him a friend.

You're 4. The fighting is going to end soon. Please remember that what happens next is not your fault. Daddy loves you even if sometimes he doesn't know how to show it. Be patient with him. He misses you just as you miss him. I know mommy can't fill that space. Don't be angry at her for that. She's doing the best she knows how.

You're 6. You're so friendly and beautiful. You are lovely and do not deserve what will happen to you. You are not to blame. Tell someone you trust. You are loved.

You're 9. You are smart and kind and gentle. Girls can be so cruel for no reason and you don't deserve it. There is nothing wrong with being you. You are wonderful. Keep your head high. Remember that you are loved and cherished.

You're 11. I know that school sucks but it's important for your future. Your mom is just trying to help you, she just doesn't know how. She's learning, too.

You're 17. Please be careful with your body. What seems fun now will not be fun in the light of day. Don't do anything you might regret later on. And yes, it happens that quickly.

You're 19. You are not crazy and you are not stupid. Things happen and no one knows why. You did nothing to cause this. Make peace and know that you are being watched over.

You're 20. Reach out to those that care for you. Do not blame or punish him. He does not know how to help you. Be patient with him and talk to him. Let him be there for you.

You're 21. It is shocking and doesn't feel real. It will feel this way for a long time. Lean on those that love you. Do not let others rush you to feel a certain way. Grief is a unique and individual journey.

You're 24. You are strong, you are brave and you are worth so much. He tells you differently because he's insecure. Stand up for yourself even when he tells you it's wrong. 

You're 29. You're about to go down a road that no one saw coming. It's sick and twisted and so convoluted that it takes a very long time for you to find your way out. But, in the end, you do. And you are stronger for it.


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