Darling - a conversation

But I was his girlfriend.

Darling, not all rapists corner you in dark alleys. Not all rapists are glaringly obvious. Not all rapists wear a name tag.

But I loved him.

Darling, of course you did - so much so that you let him into that part of your soul that must be handled with the utmost care.

But I changed my mind.

Darling, have you ever started to make yourself a cup of tea, and then as you're drinking it decide you don't want it anymore?

But I gave in.

Darling, be your own voice. Give your back bone feet to stand on. Give your tongue the flame of your anger. Be the poison that is rolling in your stomach.

But I blame myself.

Darling, he is a coward. He is small. He is not a man, not a lover, not an equal. He is too insecure to listen to your no, that he hears please. Only a fool would misinterpret your stop as his go.


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