Ladies and Gents; I bring you BPD

This is confusing and frustrating -

For my friends. Watching me make choices they know are no good but are supportive because they have to be. Hoping I'm okay and worrying about me every day. Thankful that I'm alive.

For myself. I don't understand my decisions, thoughts or actions. I watch myself doing things, knowing I need to change it or stop but unable to do so because I'm not in control anymore. I feel adrift from my mind and body.

I feel my emotions intensely. When you're at a steady level 4 - I am an uncontrollable, wild level 8.

I get paranoid and distrustful. I let go of friendships easily. I overreact and am erratic. I make impulsive decisions and don't have healthy coping strategies.

I am often misunderstood and taken the wrong way. I don't always think before I speak/act and I hurt people unintentionally.

My brain is a spinning top that I am unable to slow down or stop. 


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