My Name

I wanted to see you today, but when I called you didn't answer. I don't understand your silence. We had such a wonderful time yesterday curled up on your couch, binge watching old episodes of Friends, eating ice cream out of the carton with a spoon. You skipped work for me yesterday.

I thought I was important to you, even though the other day I overheard you telling your mother that you wish I would just go away, that you can't handle my neediness or my loneliness. I'm sorry that you're my only friend. I love you. Why can't you love me? Why do I have to try so hard to get your attention?

I saw you last night. I know you're taking pills and hiding it from me. Why can't you be honest with me? I won't judge you. I love you just as you are. You know you can tell me anything.

We've been together for so long that sometimes I think I take you for granted. I believe you'll always be there. But you've gone and made other friends. You've taken up other hobbies. You've filled your time with other things that are not me.

But that's okay. I'm patient and I will wait for you to come back to me. Because you always do.

My name is Depression.


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