My Ocean's Melody

I am an ocean. I run deep. Creatures creep and slither around.

I am expansive. There are many places in myself I don't know or wouldn't recognize.

My water is calm at the surface but many things happen underneath.

My bottom is dark and cold. Some places are impenetrable. I cannot go there.

To go is to let go of sanity and reason. They do not belong there - are not welcome.

The beat of my ocean is erratic. The edges are sharp. The pressure is immense.

It comes from all sides. Struggling only pulls it closer.

Boats come to rescue me but they grow tired of waiting at an empty dock.

My ocean's grip is inescapable. It holds me so I cannot breathe - so I cannot think.


My ocean is familiar. I have come to see the creatures as old friends. Insanity is comfortable and warm.

The hum of unreason is a lullaby I repeat to fall asleep at night. It is soft and welcomes me - beckons me closer.

I ignore the calls of the boats, instead retreating into oblivion. My ocean caresses me with satin fingers. Insanity is beautiful.

Why do I stay?

I stay because this ocean is my prison. My life sentence. My death certificate. My forever.


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