
Today I begin to imagine you. You have my eyes, his chin, my hair, his nose. You have my passion, my enthusiasm, his character, his creativity.

Today I wonder how I will put a name to someone I've never met. Are you a Lucy? A Peter? A Lucas? A Claire? Will you hate your name and wish I'd have called you French Toast, because it's your favourite food?

Today I imagine the person you'll become. Will you be a wrestler, a ballerina, a firefighter, a teacher? Will you stay in school until you're 30 because you have no clue what you want to do?

Today I think about the teenage years. The cold shoulders, the slammed doors. The tears, the mistakes. But also the laughing. The conversations until midnight. The inside jokes, the love.

Today I fail to find a heartbeat.

Today I meet you much sooner than I was meant to.

Today I fill my emptiness with thoughts of you.

Today I reflect. Today I let go a balloon filled with my prayers and dreams. Today I hope it finds you with my eyes, my hair, with part of me.


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